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Logically Isolated Virtual Network

2024-05-13 04:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) makes it easier for you to plan, track, and monitor IP addresses for your AWS workloads. IPAM is offered in two tiers:

IPAM Free Tier Use the Free Tier of IPAM to simplify IP address management for resources in a single AWS Region and account. In the Free Tier, you get the ability to manage Bring Your Own IP addresses (BYOIP v4 and v6) and Amazon provided contiguous IPv6 addresses. You also get visibility into your Public IPv4 usage through Public IP Insights. Please refer table below for a list of features available in the Free Tier. When you use the Free Tier, you do not pay for your usage of IPAM. However, you still pay for any other AWS service that you are using.

IPAM Advanced Tier Use the Advanced Tier to simplify IP address management for resources across two or more AWS Regions or accounts. In the Advanced Tier, you get additional capabilities like private IPv4 management and auditing IP history. Please refer table below for a list of features available in the Advanced Tier. When you use the Advanced Tier, you pay an hourly rate of $0.00027 for each active IP address managed in IPAM.

Region Compare features across the two tiers


IPAM Free Tier

IPAM Advanced Tier


For IP address management in a single AWS Region and account

For IP address management across two or more AWS Regions or accounts

Bring Your Own IP Address



Amazon provided contiguous IPv6 blocks



Public IP Insights



Bring Your Own ASN Available Available

Private IPv4 management

Not Available


Share IPAM pools with AWS accounts

Not Available


Audit IP history

Not Available



(1) Any feature not listed in the table above is available only in the Advanced tier

(2) Public IP Insights is available for two or more Regions and accounts in your AWS Org even in the Free Tier of IPAM

IP Address Manager Pricing for Advanced Tier

An active IP address is defined as an IP address or a prefix assigned to a resource such as an EC2 instance or an Elastic Network Interface (ENI). For example, you have a VPC with a /16 CIDR (65,536 IPv4 addresses) assigned to it, out of which you have assigned 2,000 IP addresses to resources such as ENIs. IPAM will consider the 2,000 IP addresses as active and will only charge you for those. Also, if you have assigned a /28 IPv4 prefix or /80 IPv6 prefix to an ENI, IPAM will consider it as a single active address attachment and only charge you for the single unit.

IPAM tracks and monitors all the IP addresses assigned to resources in your VPCs, even if they are not part of an IPAM IP address pool. For example, you may have created ENIs with IP addresses in the past that do not belong to an existing IPAM pool. IPAM will still track the IP addresses (assignments, overlaps, etc.) and charge you for the active IP addresses. If you no longer wish to be charged for IPAM, simply delete your IPAM using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface, or API.

IPAM - Pricing Example 1:

In this example, you have 100 VPCs in your account, each with 10 Amazon provided active IPv4 addresses. You also have /24 (256  IP addresses) BYOIP addresses in your account, out of which 200 are active, used as Elastic IP addresses (EIP). You create a Free Tier IPAM in your account to manage your BYOIP addresses.

Total active IPs: 100 VPCs with 10 IPs each + 200 BYOIP = 1,200 IPs

You are charged $0 for the above IPAM usage since you have created your IPAM in the Free Tier. You may still get charged for the Amazon provided IPv4 addresses or any other AWS service that you are using in your environment.

IPAM - Pricing Example 2:

In this example, you have one existing VPC with a /16 CIDR (65,536 IPv4 addresses) assigned to it, out of which you are using 2000 IP addresses on EC2 instances. Now, you create an IPAM in the Advanced Tier, in your account, and use it to assign a /16 CIDR (65,536 IPv4 addresses) to a new VPC, and use 5,000 IP addresses on EC2 instances in this VPC.

Total active IP addresses are 7,000 (2,000 + 5,000), and these addresses are active for 30 days, 24 hours a day. You will be charged for the 7000 active IP addresses.

Hourly price per active IP address is $0.00027.

7000 active IP addresses x 30 days x 24 hours x $0.00027 hourly charge = $1,360.80.

This will result in a monthly charge of $1,360.80.

IPAM - Pricing Example 3:

In this example, you have a /28 prefix (16 IPv4 addresses) assigned to each of your 50 network interfaces, and you have /80 (approximately 300 trillion IPv6 addresses) prefix assigned to 100 other network interfaces in your VPC. Each prefix that you assign to a network interface counts as a single active address attachment for IPAM. You also have 1,000 IPv4 addresses that are assigned to EC2 instances in the VPC. Also, other member accounts in your AWS Organization have a total of 10,000 active IPs. You create an Advanced Tier IPAM that is integrated with your AWS Organization.

Hourly price per active IP address is $0.00027.

(50 prefixes + 100 prefixes + 1,000 IP addresses + 10,000 IPs from member accounts) x 30 days x 24 hours x $0.00027 hourly charge = $2,167.56

This will result in a monthly charge of $2,167.56.






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